Friday, April 04, 2008

One hundred and one Swaziland destinations...revisited

A friend of mine from pediatrics residency, Dr. Dan Vostrejs, is hoping to move to Swaziland soon. He recently told me that my blog was a handy reference as he tailored his pre-arrival expectations. His comment made me realize how neglectful I have been in meeting my goal of "101 Swaziland destination" posts.

While this is not a tourist site (most of my posts relate to my clinical and cultural experiences here), I receive a few emails a month from readers planning a trip to Swaz, and I always find myself typing out the same list of recommended activities. Well, in the upcoming weeks, as I get re-settled in Botswana (and begin to blog from there), I am not only going to grow (perhaps even complete) my list of 101 Swazi destinations, but I am going to try and rank them in some useful way.

Swaziland, after all, is small, with plenty of low-hanging tourist fruit both within its borders and nearby, but there are few practical guides for those seeking them out. So, check out the Swaziland destinations label and, as always, stay tuned for more.


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